Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good times keep rollin'

Hello All.

Daniel here...Daniel Hancock, like the superhero: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809801452/video

I'm often signing something, or checking in somewhere, or introducing myself and usually say some line like, "Daniel...Hancock, like John Hancock." Now I'm just referencing the movie. Honestly, most people these days don't even know who John Hancock was. One day at the gym the receptionist looked at my card and said, "Oh, like John Hancock Insurance." Yes, like that. It's sad.

Anyway, we've just had my folks here for an all too quick visit. It was great to see my parents and we were happy for Aiden and Emma to see Grandma and Papa. Granddaddy and Nana will come later this summer. Here are a few pics

Grandma was able to teach Aiden how to successfully blow some bubbles.

...and how to climb trees. So that's a new hazard to watch for in the backyard! Thanks!

One of these days we're going to record this for AFV and win 10,000 dollars. Herschel is hilarious when he jumps and chases bubbles.

It's not UGA's ice bag, but Herschel knows how to chill out on a warm Cali day.

Aiden (USNA '27) takes a break from playing to knock out a few sets of pushups. Hooyah!!!

Not too much new to report. Emma is doing great. She is sleeping most of the night and Joy is looking fantastic getting back into shape. Things should be getting busy real soon here, though. I start class on Thursday and we'll take it from there. I'm going to try and get Joy on here later because i'm feeling entirely uninspired at the moment but I wanted to put something down. If I can get a hold of mom and dad's pics I'll try to post a few of them here, too. I think they took more impressive photos this past week.



P.S. hey, only 78 days until football season (college football that is...do I need to clarify? NFL is boring). Wonder if Coach N at Navy can hold to PJ's success. Love PJ, but I'm wishing him no luck at GT. The heck with GT. Carpetbaggers.

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