Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ode to Lori

Good evening:

The news. It ain't good.

قالت مصادر طبية فلسطينية في قطاع غزة إن أكثر من 40 فلسطينيا قتلوا الثلاثاء مع تقدم القوات الاسرائيلية نحو مناطق من مدينة غزة واستمرار الهجمات على مناطق أخرى في القطاع.

واضافت هذه المصادر ان من بين القتلى 23 من مقاتلي حركة حماس والتنظيمات الفلسطينية الاخرى ولم تتمكن سيارات الاسعاف من الوصول إلى المناطق التي دارت فيها الاشتباكات في حي تل الهوى الملاصق لمدينة غزة.

وقال طلعت جاد، أحد سكان إحدى ضواحي مدينة غزة، إنه اضطر للبقاء مع أفراد أسرته البالغ عددهم 15 فردا، داخل غرفة واحدة من منزلهم، خائفين أن يفتحوا النافذة.

وذكرت التقارير ان 12 فلسطينيا من بينهم 3 صبية وإمرأة لقوا حتفهم في الغارات الاسرائيلية التي استهدفت القطاع بعد ظهر الثلاثاء.

An Israeli tank moves into the Gaza Strip

Just another day in paradise...Israeli dabaabas roll through Gaza with their HOV passes.

Young girl demonstrating

There are a few unhappy people here and there...This is just the sort of thing I would have written off in my youth as radicals blowing hot air, or terrorist propaganda...but honestly, not so much anymore.

Suffering: A Palestinian man carries the body of his four-year-old daughter who died in the Gaza fighting (Reuters: Mohammed Salem, file photo)

I spared you the more graphic photos...the ones with little dead toddlers and infants strewn about like a floor full of spent dominoes. It's disgusting, but it is truth that we need to see.  This is what $10 BILLION dollars of unconditional support for Israel per year gives you, the American taxpayer. Now, I know this entire audience is not versed in international affairs and the nuances of high politics and diplomacy, but would you venture this sort of aggression is in the interest of America?  In fact, while we're on it, when is the last time Israel did anything in the strategic interest of America?

I do not mean to suggest I am an anti-Semite or even hate Israel---far from it.  I mean to suggest that it is about time we have intellectually honest dialogue on the peace process and that means no longer turning a blind eye to the terrorism and heinous acts perpretated by Israeli forces in the Occupied territories.  This is something I've struggled with since I began studying the region in depth during my graduate studies.  How do I as a Christian, juxtapose the actions and policies of Israel with my own faith and morality? It is very difficult.  I condemn Hamas's terror tactics, suicide bombings, Hizbullah in Lebanon...I condemn all these entities and their evil.  but..how can we as Christians justify the way Israel treats the Palestinians...one commentator recently made this ironic comment about Gaza: "Gaza looks like a concentration camp." How ironic.  The Palestinians live like dogs.  Public polling data leading up to the latest attacks into Gaza showed the economic pressure and sanctions of the past year had been turning public sentiment against Hamas.  Palestinians in the Strip were questioning what good Hamas had brought to them as they suffered economically.  What do you think they're saying now?  Even many Israelis are questioning what the end goal is in Gaza.  Why do we as Christians (namely American Christians) have such an unwavering support for Israel?  I have a hard time as a Christian being muted by the American consensus that anyone who speaks against Israel is a racist or uninformed. The Israeli Foreign Minister came on NPR the other day and stated he was ok with 25% civilian casualties.  I'm not.  I don't deny Israel's right to defend itself if it's attacked or threatened, but the disproportionality is staggering.  Some estimates by UN observers places the number of dead children as much as 1/3 of the total dead.

 Here I am. I am a Christian.  And I unabashedly deplore Israel's actions in Gaza.

Not to fear, though.  Things will be getting better REAL soon.  Behold, SUPERMAN.

Terrorists won't stand a chance with this sexy man!  Watch out, Wall St.  Look at those abs.

And if all else fails... President Obama can reinstitute a great asset for our nation. CTU.  Jack will take care of the rest...

So...as I was reminded 15 times Saturday night by Lori, this blog hasn't been updated in oh so long....NOVEMBER 7th to be exact. Yeah, I know.  Is-sef jiddan. Very sorry.  You know, Arabic sucks, we're busy, kids were sick, emma can't be put down, Aiden has the energy of superman, we were in Georgia...blah, blah, blah. sorry.  So, here's to starting off 2009 right...

First, is anyone else addicted to Wii?  I was very skeptical at first.  But, after being pushed over the edge by Joy, i'm very glad to call myself a Wii owner. It's totally addicting.  Whatever it gives up to Playstation 3 in graphics, it more than makes up for it in the interactive gameplay.  Everything in it is competitive.  You throw, swing a bat, jump, run, control your parachute risers over your head as if it was real life as a paratrooper jumping into France on D-Day in Medal of Honor...very interactive.  Also the Wii Fit is awesome. Does body compostion measurements. Tracks your cardio.  Hones your balance, etc.  They're actually teaching classes at the local gym using Wii Fit.  In fact, Brannan Southerland (the starting FB for your Georgia Bulldogs) rehabbed his foot using the Wii ski/balance games.  good stuff. Great reviews from actual trainers.  We're hooked.

Ok. Here's Emma with her Papa.  Probably looking at her favorite target, Bailey.
By the way I'm 30.  Let's not talk about it.  I feel old and decrepid enough. I'm losing my super-human resiliancy to the injuries of the weak.

Not the greatest picture, but I just love this picture anyway because it sort of captured a moment between me (off camera) and Aiden.  I can just see how much he loves me and I love him back just as much.  Love that guy.

Well, if you didn't know, goofiness is a family trait.  Edward  and I have always struggled at being 'normal' on camera.

This is called speechlessness....Yeah. That's a huge framed and signed authentic Herschel walker jersey...Glory, Glory to Ole Georgia...  Where I'll put it, I don't know...but it will be a nice centerpiece for my man room one day...probably when I'm retired.

Yeah, so if I didn't mention it already...i'm holding Herschel Walker's signed jersey.  What a wife?!!??!!!

Aiden is assessing Daddy's work on the garland around the front door and noting areas he'll improve upon next.

So, Aiden, as he will tell you, inherited the goofy gene,too.

Doesn't he look cute in that shirt?  He's a ham.  He had a great time in Georgia visiting both sets of grandparents, seeing a dead deer, meeting new friends, and hanging out.

The still pictures don't quite do this justice.  But I'll try...in the next series of 3, Aiden was twirling around with his mouth wide open in that silly way you see here...just being funny for us all on the front porch.

Aiden has also acquired an interest in photography...he's not half-bad.

Oh, yeah...I also have the most precious daughter in the world.  She continued to win over fans over Christmas with her ability to ALWAYS SMILE.  She's such a gift.

Little candid of my two favorite ladies in the whole world.

Notice anything interesting in this one?  Yeah, that's right. Batman likes to bake cookies.  Maybe it's not as funny in a picture, but everyone who walked in on this was dying laughing.  what a nut.

If there's cutting involved, Aiden's in...plus if that cutting produces cookies to eat later...double good.  While we were in Augusta, Aiden also went to  "Story Hour" at the historic Appleby Library and sat with the exact same librarian who read to his Daddy 26 years ago! Wow.  It was a trip down memory lane and Aiden enjoyed himself for the most part.  Of course he was confused why the DVD player was making so much noise when a short curious george film was played (it was the old fashioned reel).  He made crafts, sang songs, and is looking forward to going back this summer.

This was one of my favorite Christmas presents. Just what I wanted! 

Emma Grace in her favorite place: Mama's arms.

So, in case you were wondering, those firefighter skills actually are very handy.  To the extreme pleasure of Master Aiden, Uncle Eddie was able to assemble and explain to Aiden how to operate his new Batmobile...nobody else was able to figure it out.  

Good job, Uncle Eddie!  It got so bad, Aiden would get up in the morning, take milk from me, start looking around and say: "Where's Uncle Eddie?"  Well, Son, uncle eddie doesn't have to get up at 7 am.

Midway through our time in Augusta, I took Joy on a surprise 5th annniversary trip to Amelia Island Florida for 3 days/2 nights.  It was incredible. I highly recommend Elizabeth Pointe Lodge.  Here is our little Beach House off the main house.  Better than I thought by far.

Here's the view from our front porch.  Wow.  Just what I love.  I had the ocean, a quiet space, a cold Yuengling, and the woman i love.  It's been such an incredible journey with Joy.  I'm so blessed to have such a strong, wise and beautiful woman by my side.  Every day with her has been and continues to be exciting.  That's all we can ask for, right?  To be loved, to be excited, to be energized.  She does all that and more.  She is my Princess and the love of my life.

Here's the main house. Breath-taking.

I tend to never make any photos, so I'm throwing myself in there...with a distinctive Dan pose. No smile.

Again, awesome.

This is at an old slave plantation. Very fascinating. 

Look at those eyes.  Those are the eyes I fall in love with every day. She's beautiful.  They sparkle like the night I proposed to her.

This flag here was flailing all afternoon because somebody doesn't know how to properly secure a line.  It drove me nuts for about 45 minutes, then I just went and re-did the line and tied it up sharply so old glory could flap properly in the wind.  God Bless America.  Public Service Announcement while I'm on the subject: TAKE DOWN YOUR OLD FADED AND TORN FLAGS. It's unlawful, sloppy looking and disrespectful.

"The Quarterback...6'4", 225 lbs...from Augusta, GA via _______in the world....Aiden HAAAAANNNNNNNNCOCK!"  Ok, so we visited one of our favorite little shops in Augusta, aptly named "The Dawg House."  We tend to go crazy in there. This year was no exception.  Aiden was slightly thrilled with this uniform set for a 4-7 year old that fit fine.

Well, I kinda asked for that one didn't I?  He told me today he's ready to start "Hittin' some people" (we were talking about football...he has very good manners with that sort of thing)
Speaking of which, Aiden is starting Karate tomorrow, or Thursday...we'll take pictures.  

He didn't take it off for hours at a time...


A nice shot of Grandma reading to her grandkids.

See previous comments about our goofiness. Hey, what can I say?  

Emma cracked up whenever Bailey came around. They were good friends.

Here's my best friend from Augusta, the Reverend Evan English who now lives in Charlotte with his wife Kim.

Uncle Eddie has very good instincts with children. I must admit I'm amazed at his repoire with both of our children.

Well, that's it.  We're glad to be home. Joy was gone forever.  She spent a nice visit with her brother in from Japan down in Twin City. After being down there for 3 weeks, she came up with the kids to Augusta and we stayed there through the new year.  

Our time is rapidly coming to an end here in California...well, hold that...at least Monterey.  I'm due to receive verbal orders any day...no later than Friday I'm promised.  Joy and I are eagerly awaiting this next step in our lives.  Monterey has brought us many blessings.  Time together. No deployments.  Health and growth for Aiden.  A world-class education.  A new child.  Many blessings.  But it's just time.  We're ready for the next step of our career.  In many ways, this has been the first "big boy" Navy decision we've had to make.  I picked my first ship off a board in Memorial Hall at the Naval Academy like the NBA draft and even posed with the Commissioner (the Supe) well on my way to a good night...I picked my 2nd ship out of 3 "hot-fills" because I had been waiting for the results of SEAL transfer board.  Just took the best available...didn't have the normal slate of X # jobs to choose from...But, regardless, it really didn't matter anyways.  As a division officer, it was all just loose preparation for the hard choices of senior leadership I'm about to make.  Where I go, what ship I go to, what job I do, all have lasting implications on the direction of my career from here on out.  In layman's terms, play time is over and done.  If I go to an amphib, I'm stuck in the Amphib navy...if I go to a Cruiser/Destroyer...I'm an 'Aegis' guy...If I am an Engineer...guess what...that's my lot.   all these things will shape the direction of my career if i stay as a SWO (Surface Warfare Officer...ship guy).  We're hoping and praying for Jacksonville for a myriad of reasons...but no matter where we go, we're just ready for the new challenge...and Arabic sucks.  We're ready for that to be over with, too.

It will be a new "serious" phase of my career, but also one of increased leadership for Joy, for even among the spouses of a Navy wardroom (what we call the group of officers on a ship...also, literally the room where we hangout/eat), there is rank and order.  Joy will be a Department Head's wife.  Wives will look to her for wisdom, to see how she does it, how she handles deployments, how she manages and acts.  In the same way I'm starting to really groom myself to be a Commanding Officer one day (if that's where God wants me) Joy is learning the leadership necessary to serve among the wives and lead those who must stay behind and do the real hard work.

Are you satisfied yet, Lori?

We'll let you know when the news comes out.  God bless you all and Happy new year.

أَتَمَنَّى لَكَم رَأْسُ السَّنَة و في حفْظ الله من اليوم إلى يوم البعث و هنا مربط الفرس

Eta min-a lek-um r'ees a-senna wa fee hef-thi-llah min el-yewm ila yewm el ba'th wa huna mar-bit el far-ris.

"I wish you all a Happy New Year and may God keep you from today until the day of Judgment...and that is the heart of the matter."

Daniel, for the Hancocks

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