Friday, June 20, 2008

Ana Talib Arabeeya fi mehad aldefay lleyat fi medina mewnterey weleya kalifornia

I am an Arabic Student at the Defense Language Institute in monterey, california.

I don't know what to say. Frankly this is even tougher than imagined. It sucks. No getting around that. it sucks. It's easily the hardest thing i've ever done. that being said, I'm doing fine. However, it's hard work. i'm putting in about 15 plus hour days right now. I'm up at 6 am. At work by 7. go from 7 t0 4 pm with intructors. Go workout for a bit walk in the door at 5, eat, walk the dog, walk to the library, study for another 3 hours. Remember that feeling after taking a 3 hour final in college? You know, where you are staring at a piece of paper for three hours at about 12 inches and then look up imagine that for 10 plus hours a's crazy. That being said, six days in, I'm speaking Arabic in short sentences and can basically c0mmunicate in a foreign tongue and that's pretty darn cool. i can say who I am, what I do, where i live, ask basic question, etc. ana naqeeb fi al bahreeya. I am a LT in the Navy. Aendee wahid wa bint. I have a son and a daughter. So as our team leader, Istetha (Teacher) Najilla tells us in her broken english" Ahh, Noor (my Arabic name in the classroom) day 5 and you speak...that gooood. very goood."

Now, the real hero is joy. Boy she's had a tough week. Herschel has been sick and provided her with plenty of opportunity for character development (He went to the bathroom in his crate 3 nights in a row). Also, Aiden has had a rough week. The adjustment has been particularly hard for him with best friend gone a lot every day for the first time since he's really been a cognizant being. Oh yeah, there's a newborn, too. My hat is off to my beautiful wife. Hands down the tougher job between the two of us and she's doing great as always. I love her. What a woman!

Unfortunately I had to cancel plans to be at a friends wedding in San Diego this weekend. I'm swamped with Arabic along with family issues, but I'm also happy to get the time with Aiden. Poor boy's been missing his daddy. I have to confess I've been missing my "little" man, too. Sometimes you just have to do what's right for your family even if means eating some plane tix and maybe upsetting a friend.

hope all is well with everyone. How bout those dawgs? Tearing it up in Omaha!

Finally, thanks for the prayers. I've been feeling it at work and Joy likewise at home. It's been a ROUGH week for all in many different ways. Pray for Joy, Aiden, adjustment for all, a routine, and also mastery of the language.

Al Hamdu lillaah.

(Praise be to God).


1 comment:

eileen said...

Hmmmmmmmmm. I don't think cleaning up dog poop builds character, but doing what needs to be done displays character. You go, Girl!

Glad school's going well, Daniel. We're praying!