Saturday, June 28, 2008

The passing of a legend

Well, if you didn't hear the bad news, UGA VI, the most successful UGA ever, passed away Friday night. here he is in his black gear for the "Blackout" last year vs. Auburn. Thankfully, he died peacefully and quickly and apparently didn't suffer. As a bulldog owner myself, I'm happy that he went quickly and didn't linger in pain. Here's some more info. He'll be buried in the Stadium Monday with the other great UGAs before him.

If you haven't seen this photo of Aiden and Emma, you've missed out. Look at these cutie pies. Joy sent me this at work the other day and it made my week. I love them so much and who couldn't? Look at them...they're adorable and sweet. Thank you, Lord for these children. al Hamdulillah.

Hope everyone is well. Things are progressing here, which is to say one more week is in the bag. 48 academic weeks left.

Joy is taking off for San Diego for a few weeks with the kids, so they'll be having fun while I'm....well, NOT having fun. Aiden will see his best friend Carter and the three of them will go to Sea World, and Wild Animal Park, and the Zoo and the beach and all the wonderful perks of life as we once knew it on Coronado and greater San Diego.
Arabic: Don't know what to say. I haven't been singled out from the herd, but this basically sucks. I know, I know. I volunteered for it. Oh, well. I plan on succeeding. The time commitment at a minimum is huge. I'm having dreams in Arabic which is sick. Just sick. It's very hard to turn it off at night and let my brain relax. i'm hoping at some point the language area of my brain well be less stubborn and just give in! Doubtful, but I can hope.

Transitions are rough, but we're finding our stride. I'm getting really tired of the Mickey Mouse games the Navy det plays here, too. Ridiculous. It's so ridiculous at DLI that it actually makes me want to go back to a ship. That's a different rant, though.
Well, i'm going to go spend a few hours with the Aiden-meister. Best to all,

1 comment:

eileen said...

Keep on keeping on. You have the mind of Christ! You'll get it, Daniel, and you'll be proud. Look out CIA, FBI, BBC! Well, probably not the BBC. We'll pray for brain-rest at night. . .
Condolences about UGA. Does the bloodline live on? Will his progeny take his place?
love 'n hugs to all.