Saturday, June 28, 2008

Margarita, anyone?

Sorry to double post but I wanted to get an entry out before I make my great escape to San Diego. It may appear that I'm high tailing it out of here as a result of DLI but in reality the trip was planned long before the full miserable reality of language training set in... :) This week has seen improvement. I still feel as if my life revolves around the bodily functions of two small children and a dog sometimes.

As hard as DLI is for Daniel I know that some of what we're dealing with here at home is simply adjusting to Daniel having a work schedule that is actually closer to normal than what we were experiencing before. Apparently most people work more than three hours twice a week...who knew!!!??? The first week really was quite a shock and the dog's sensitive stomach didn't help anything. Let it be known that for as great a personality as Herschel has he is equally high maintanance when it comes to his care. He's MESSY, he doesn't shed he blows coat, and he has really really really really really really really bad gas. Unfortunately I tend to be the one the maintanance falls to the bulk of the time. We're working on having more fun together.

Through all the ups and downs my day is highlighted by the love and smiles of my children. Whether it's Emma grinning up at me when I'm changing her diaper or Aiden saying with as much forcefullness as he can muster, "MOMMY, I LOVE YOU!!! I am constantly reminded of what I'm doing and why. I have chosen the path of stay at home mom, a job that in the moment can seem thankless and neverending but in the long run I know the rewards are beyond measure. Even on the most difficult of days I am blessed by my husband who is strong and faithful and by my children who love me and make me laugh.

That all being said, I can't wait to get to San Diego for vacation with my best friends. :) I hear the margaritas at Miguel's are waiting for me...


eileen said...

The rewards ARE beyond measure; I know for sure! I'm proud of what you and Daniel have taken on. No guts, no glory! Right? One day you'll both look back -- and be glad it's over!
Happy trails, Sweet Pea!

Amanda said...


Just a suggestion for Herschel and the coat blowing--try a little olive oil on his food. If his skin and coat are not getting the oils he needs, it'll dry out and cause him to shed a lot more. A teaspoon a day on top of his dog food should do the trick. It also helps with the digestive track, which may help with the gas. :)

Another consideration is he getting enough Omega 3s. I know both Solid Gold and Wellness dog foods are high in Omega 3s--essential for overall doggy helath. They're a bit on the expensive side, but both the lack by-products, BHT, and fillers that you find in the less quality brands.

Glad you're getting away, Joy, for some needed vacation time! Drink a magarita (or two) for me as well! :)
