Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tequila Sunrise before the Sunset

Good evening to All!!!

It's been a while, but here we are on a pleasantly cool Saturday night with a few spare minutes so we want to provide a brief update. Unfortunately, between my whole learning the world's hardest language thing and Joy's silly rearing two kids all day thing we have been more or less incommunicado! Sorry. Things are busy in the Hancock household these days.

Well, Joy has been back from San Diego for 2 weeks now. I'm certainly happy about that. They all had a great time and I even managed to sneak down there for the 4th and visit them. (I missed them a little bit.) So Aiden-meister is back hanging out with his best buddy Daddy (from 1700-1830 on weekdays :) I told you I was busy) and a few hours each day on the weekend. I missed him so much and boy he has grown in just a few weeks!!!

Joy is doing great as is our sweetie pie Emma. She is mostly content to spit up a lot, smile, and sleep. It's not bad as far as babies go! She is so kind as to grant her mama and Daddy mostly full nights of sleep. Aiden on the other hand has been struggling with allergies or something and now is overcoming a cold. The poor guy has been having a real hard time at night and often been ending up in our bed which is problematic for both parents the next day. We both need our rest and energy for our daily requirements.

Before I get to the pictures, I'll just point out that there are only 34 days 15 hours and some odd minutes until my Dawgs begin their national title quest!!!

Anyway, here are a few pics of Aiden and company in Coronado and San Diego recently. Here is Aiden sitting on the curb for the annual Coronado 4th of July Parade. Unlike Monterey, San Diego/Coronado is strongly pro-military (regardless of its political tendencies one way or the other.) There were no Code-Pink,, or Gitmo protesters like we constantly see in Monterey...Thank God.

Aiden is chilling on "Auntie" Denise's couch with his best buddy, Carter. USA ROCKS!!!
The boys are sitting around their respective new siblings. Noah is the big chunk making the movies on my little girl! Aiden is not too sure about the whole thing. That's a good big brother, Aiden.
After a long parade, Aiden gives the festivities a "cool dude!" thumbs up.
A picture is worth a thousand words: This just about sums up what the end of the day is like when these two best buddies go at it for hours on end. Pure exhaustion. But, was fun!
"CHEESE!!!" Always the ham.
Apparently my grad school and Arabic training is rubbing off on she is implementing the first stages of her planned marriage arrangement between Noah and Emma Grace. Shameless.
Here are the boys looking at a fire truck or jeep full of Marines. They had a great time in the sun and even learned to always stand up and take off their hats when Ole Glory passes by.
I was thankful to be able to hop on a commuter down to my old stomping grounds and show Aiden where we used to live. San Diego sure felt like home to me...and Joy. It will be our definite number 2 behind Jax when I slate later this fall for our next sea tour.
Have I mentioned Aiden loves fire trucks...and his Uncle Eddie.

That's about it from the Hancocks. We miss everyone and since Michael is not going to make Thanksgiving this year, we have an open seat! Family is always welcome. Look forward to hearing from you. Despite our poor communication, please try to stay in touch. Again, we'll do our best to keep the lines open and clear. We love hearing from family and friends even if we don't get a chance to respond.
A word of thanks for family in Japan...The dudleys experienced quite an earthquake yesterday, so we are thankful for their safety. And on one last note...for Joseph, Johnny, and Mary Beth, YES, Aiden most definitely remembers you!!! We have your pictures on a world map by Guadalajara (as well as his cousin Noah's picture....He lives in Japan.)
God Bless,
For the Hancocks,

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