Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ins and Outs

I've just completed 1/5 of my time here at lovely DLI.  That is about a year or so worth of Arabic at a regular college program.

Yeah, I'm thrilled, too (sarcasm).  I'm just over it all here in Monterey. We're just ready to be back on the Right coast.  I'm riding my bike home the other day from school (yeah, I'm green) and I overhear a casual conversation on the street corner in which a typical monterey citizen exclaims,"Yeah Bush is just like Hitler man...blah blah blah...taking over the world...blah blah blah."  Listen, anyone who has talked to me in the last 3 years knows that I'm no huge fan of this administration, especially Cheney and Rumsfeld (Read Cobra II for a detailed analysis of their bumbling of Pre-Petraeus Iraq) who should be shot or at least jailed, but Hitler?  I almost turned my bike around to say may disagree with the war, or Bush, or drilling offshore, energy policy, but last time I checked, my brother in arms were not rounding up Iraqis on trains and shipping them down the line to be crisped in an oven...this place is so out of touch.  And no, i'm not being dramatic...this was a bit extreme, but not at all unusual to see this sort of thing in monterey. 

On a sunny note, I snapped this pic of my little boy and girl with their Boofs.

In other news, we've been suffering a terrible heatwave of late...ok, Monterey heat wave is about 75-80, but relative to the normal freezing temps, fog, and rain, it has felt stifling.  And no one has AC to add to the sticky discomfort.  This pathetic pic of Herschel sums up how we've all been feeling trying to cool off of late.

And here is Aiden pretending to be Herschel. Such a ham.
Pray for Aiden. He has a bit of a fever.  Just not himself today.

I've given you international affairs, insightful commentary, a reading recommendation, some family news, and now sports...all in one blog entry!  Check out the 2008 Heisman winner leaping over a helpless Central Michigan defender on his way to 168 yards, 3 tds, and the Sportscenter highlight reel for this weekend:

Well, I'm all done for tonight.  I have a beautiful wife, a beautiful family, a great dog, and my Dawgs won.الْحَمْدُ لله. (praise be to God). So, الْحَمْدُ لله. أَتَمَنَّى لَكَ عُطْلَةً سَعيدَة
(I wish you a happy Weekend). Read right to left :)


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