Friday, September 12, 2008

weekend finally

أَهْلاً وسَهْلاً
Hello and Welcome.  Hope everyone is healthy, happy, and well.  The weekend is here. Thank God.  It has been the longest week, really weekS (emphasis) for both Joy and me.  Joy has had a lion's share of obstacles to overcome at home to include constant spitting up, a suddenly irregular sleep pattern for Emma Grace, Aiden's sickness, fever, and the normal duties of motherhood and household while I have had nearly a full 2 weeks of testing and examination, just day after day of testing.  It has been physically and mentally exhausting for both of us. But---looking for the silver lining, we've made it.  Aiden seems to have regained his mojo as of today.  Emma is still teething and spitting up constantly, as well as waking up way too early now...but we've made it to a brief respite.  Neither Joy or I have slept well (or much) all week which has made the duties of motherhood all the more difficult and trying and likewise for me, it's been basically the worst period to have taxing exams day in and day out.  I'll say this about Joy; she's an amazing woman.  Her humility speaks for her character but I'm here to tell you that she performs the role of super-woman at times and excels with more class and grace than she would ever let on to the world.  But trust me, she's a fantastic mother and wife.  Today was the last of about 7 tests I've taken over the last 10 work days...I've done well until today...Dipped down into the B/C range on this "End of Course" exam which was frustrating and disappointing and also prompted the team leader taking an unnecessary line of scolding with me that sort of suggested maybe I work harder.  I'm only human; this probe was met with a rather swift retort that was not exactly kind.  I'm working my ass off, thank you.  I didn't tell her I hadn't slept right for weeks.  I know I'm working hard.  I was down for a spell, but after talking with some colleagues about 14 weeks ahead of me I felt much better.  Apparently, they all have gotten B's and C's on the EOC tests.  The EOC exams are based off the old curriculum so it's basically trying to answer things from context and guessing rather than Chapter X or Y material.  At the end of the  day, C may be lower than I wanted, but I didn't fail, and that is succeeding here at DLI.  I know I need to improve my listening and tune my ear with more authentic sound and material.  

Well, sorry for the rambling.  Here are some great photos of the kids.  I snapped this last Sunday morning.  Aiden is just a fantastic big brother.  Here is his snuggling "his girl".

"Daddy. Where is my Milk?"  Quite a cute pair.  Aiden has become very content to watch his little sister, turn her swing back on, pacify her, etc.  He's doing great with his new responsibilities.

Not the most flattering pic (complete with Emma spit-up on my shirt), but Aiden was proud of his pictures he took.  He'll be happy to see one of his on the blog.
Poor cowboy.  Aiden has been sick all week running fevers at night.  He has not been eating and just zapped after any activity.  I arrived home from work yesterday to find him sacked out on the couch yesterday.  No posing here.  This is where Joy found him, pistol at the ready.  Just the way I trained him, Matty.  Future Lifetime NRA Member? I think just maybe.

Even sick, no bad guys will get the drop on the Hoss.  Semper Fi.
This was my attempt to wake him up.  Watch the next few pictures and see how well that went.

"Daddy, I'm TIRED." Going...

Bless his heart.

Here is one of Emma snoozing in her swing with "baby Boof." Aiden insists she have it in her swing.

That's it.  

Don't forget to watch the Dawgs whup up on the Gamecocks tomorrow.  Oh, I almost forgot:
أَتَمَنَّى لَكَ أُمْسيَة سَعيدَة and أَتَمَنَّى لَكَ عُطْلَةً سَعيدَة

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