Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slow Weekend, but never devoid of Humor

So, this week was the longest 4 day work week ever---that sounds impossible, but anything's impossible when it comes to DLI and Arabic.  But, Friday arrived and we have enjoyed a quiet and easy-going weekend so far.

Our camera battery is dead, so there are no adorable pictures, but I thought I'd share a few of Aiden's funnier moments this weekend.

I guess it all started with Aiden demonstratively declaring there were 4 things we were going to do this weekend.  "Oh, really?" I said.  "Yes, Daddy... Number one, we will go see sea lions.  Number two, we will go to the 'fire' restaurant (actual name Awakenings in PG--one of our favorites with fire pits outside for those familiar cool Central Coast mornings).  number 3, we will watch Georgia. and Number 4, pumpkin patch."  So, it was actually a decent plan for the weekend and we did all these things, mostly in order.  So, after waking up at 430 AM (both kids up, and then we discover Herschel has diarrhea), we managed to get out the door for some breakfast, hot chocolate and coffee at the 'fire' restaurant, then we watched the Dawgs beat Vandy, and finally that afternoon we headed out to find a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch/fall festival being held at Earthbound Organic Farm in Carmel Valley.  On our short drive down Hwy 1 this interesting conversation occurred:

Daniel: "Aiden, do you want to go to the pumpkin patch or a park?"

Daniel: "Aiden, would you rather go to McDonald's or to the pumpkin patch?"

Daniel: "Would you rather fly to the moon in a rocket or go to the pumpkin patch?"

(Editor's note: you may see a pattern developing)

Daniel: "Aiden, would you rather fly on an airplane or go to the pumpkin patch?"

Daniel: "Would you rather eat cookies or go to a pumpkin patch?"

Daniel: "Would you rather watch Kung Fu Panda in a theater with Daddy or go to a pumpkin patch?"

Daniel: "Would you rather go to the pool or the pumpkin patch?"

(Highly amused, but sensing that this would never come to an end, I moved in for the kill, knowing of course just the thing he would rather do than the pumpkin patch)

Daniel: "Aiden, would you rather be Batman, or go to a pumpkin patch?"  
Check his response...
Aiden: "BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Long pause)...After we go to the pumpkin patch." (Aiden smiling)

Lastly, as we had a lovely breakfast at Pino's Italian Cafe by the waterfront this chilly morning, Aiden reminded us how any amusing things we have him say in the privacy of our home can and will be repeated in public.  So, we're sitting outside sipping our hot drinks, waiting for our omelletes.  Finally the waitress comes, a lovely young woman, and when she hands Aiden his milk in a glass, he looks at her and exclaims with a broad smile: "Thanks, hot stuff."

And in other news, Aiden wants to go to the Naval Academy and  be an astronaut.  A little bird told him that is where you need to go to be one (Don't know who).  We were walking down the Coast Guard pier today and I asked him whether he was going to play for the Dawgs or go to the Naval Academy like Daddy.  He responds, "I want to be an astronaut." "Well, Aiden...then you should definitely go the Naval Academy."  "Ok, daddy. But I think we're going to need an airplane to get there. It's far away...but not today.  I'm still little."  "Not today, buddy. Not today."

He's growing up too fast.

Have a great rest of your weekend, and please sign up as a "follower" of TEAM HANCOCK so we can know who's checking this out!

Best from Joy and the kids.

For the Hancocks,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Yeah, he doesn't look like this anymore...just reminiscing's Aiden just after 1 year old.  Can you believe he was ever that small? I can't.  Still got that great smile, but man is he huge now.  I'm not kidding when I call him 'Hoss.'  He's huge.  I commented to Joy the other night that I missed 'nugglin' with my little buddy at night when he would come in our room or in the morning when he would come in...we'd 'nuggle' and get a little bit more sleep. Precious.  Well, Aiden must have sensed Daddy's longing, because he has inexplicably been in our room 3 nights in a row...oh yeah, not as fun as I remember.  No, seriously, every now and then who doesn't want a 'nuggle' from the A-Team?  I just can't believe how big he is even beyond his physical stature.  We visited a nature preserve at Moss Landing today and he hiked like a man for 2-3 miles taking in the scenic vistas, sustainable brush and vegetation (haha---we love making fun of the over/mis-use of sustainable and organic in every fathomable way in Monterey), unique birds, dead snakes on our path, tidal marshes, and even a sea otter in the wild.  As we headed up the hill toward the ranger station we even saw a train zipping across the coastal marsh lands! Aiden had a great day taking it all in through his 'noculars' as he called them.  All the while, Emma slept contently with joy in her Moby-wrap.

baada the-lik, After that, we went home, played with the dog, and enjoyed ourselves.  In the afternoon Aiden and I even went to the pool.  He's so close to swimming.  He walks around in the pool by himself up to his ears, with his mouth and nose held carefully out of the water.  But, he's having a lot of fun, very confident, even dunking himself every now and then.  By the way, I'm not trying to go out of my way to be judgmental, but has anyone else seen how many fat kids there are now? holy cow. during my 12 years of elementary-high school, we only had 1 fat kid. ONE.  There was just the one guy (who by the way is incredibly skinny now.)  I swear at least, AT LEAST 50% of the kids in the pool were FAT.  We're talking 5-10 year olds, not baby fat. FAT.  What the hell is wrong with parents now?  So, I was encouraged to hold my ground and raise Aiden just the way Joy and I were raised; outdoors, hunting, sports all day, physical activity, external stimulation.  These kids are out of control.  Even the "Joes" (young enlisted soldiers) at DLI are a different breed.  Techo-geeks, not football jocks.  They don't play sports or hit on girls; they stay up all night in the barracks playing 'Warcraft' and other such non-sense, popping 'Monsters' during class---Energy drinks. Don't get me started. That will have to be its own entry another day.

Look at that handsome little  boy.
Random pic snapped by Aiden one game day.  He loves taking pictures.  I think he does a decent job, frankly.

I think Aiden gets confused himself, sometimes---wait, am I still a fire-fighter, am I knowshon, Superman, no Batman, cowboy.----this kid is in to some superheroes.  Can't decide on his favorite Dawg, though.  Changes week to week.

By the way, if anyone cares, it is cold here again.  Absolutely freezing this morning with wind gusts all day.  Fall is officially here.  Precipitation will be here shortly.  Oh, and we received an early Christmas present from our landlords---they're raising the rent an extra $100 beginning in December!!! "Few more months...few more months...few more months" we keep telling ourselves.

On that note, depending on whether I survive this place, and then whether or not I go to Qatar for 30 days of immersion afterwards, I'll pick my ship in either December or January, and find out approximately a month after whichever slate they put me in.  I don't really care at this point.  I'm just ready to move forward with my career.

Things are going ok here.  Had another test last week. I'll get the results on Tuesday.  I sort of have in my head (based off nothing from the DLI staff or anyone official) that Christmas break is sort of my 'free and clear' deadline.  Not that I expect anything to ever let up, but as far as feeling confident that I'm going to finish this course.  That'll be about halfway.  It's still ridiculous,  but I'm basically just trying to manage my own learning with the teachers as another source.  Pray for listening and speaking especially.  Reading I'm doing very well with on tests, etc.

That's about it.  Long enough?? sorry.  

Enjoy your 4 day weekend. Oh, wait. that's just me!


P.S.  I love my family
P.P.S. Sign up for our 'blog followers' so we know who checks this thing other than our parents and Amanda in japan!
P.P.S.S. ok, i'm lost after the second one, but anyway, I linked the website for that new Fireproof movie.  It's supposed to  be good. It's by the same guys who wrote and produced "Facing the Giants" (which by the way has a cameo by CMR--Coach Mark Richt).  Good story of adventure, adversity, love and faith.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Important Announcement

Dear Family and Friends,

Things are incredibly busy here.  If it's not the Arabic, it the two kids pushing Joy to the limit daily.  That being said, we've been doing some soul-searching, and we have decided for the good of the country something has to be done.  To that end, I have an important announcement to make.  Please follow this link and I hope you'll support us in this endeavor.


Monday, October 6, 2008

It's OCTOBER, amazing.

It occurred to me recently that my year is basically over.  Once we head to GA the day after Thanksgiving we won't be back to "real life" until Jan.  So essentially I have 6 weeks of this year left to enjoy.  Lots to look forward to next year!  We'll FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY make it back to the East Coast.  As my friends have dubbed us we're the "leavers" (as a Navy family we leave a lot) so we're ready to live up to the nick name and jet on outta here.  We've made some awesome friends that we will have for life but we're ready to leave Arabic training behind us and get back to a place were the ocean is to the East.  It will also be nice for our cell minutes to have family back in the same time zone.  It's the little things that make life so much easier.  Here are some pictures from the last month.  Daniel has another test this week so be praying for all of us!!! 

Everyone ready for the Blackout.  Ended up being a dark day as UGA lost.

A couple of pictures of my awesome new haircut.  I realize I look tired, it was 10 at night when Daniel took these and I fade by 8:30.

Batman has taken up residence with us.

Even the Dark Knight needs to eat.

Emma practiced her cheers for when Aiden is QB at UGA.

Herschel is trying to eat Emma's socks, or maybe just eat Emma.  They love each other.

Daniel and Aiden showing respects during Navy Blue and Gold.  No, I'm not kidding.

Two very tired kiddos.

Happy girl in her big girl crib.  She wants to crawl so badly!

Hope you all have a good start to the Fall season.  We'll have lots of good pictures this month as there will be pumpkin patches to go to and costumes to wear.  We love and miss you all.  It'll be great to see many of you soon.