Monday, October 6, 2008

It's OCTOBER, amazing.

It occurred to me recently that my year is basically over.  Once we head to GA the day after Thanksgiving we won't be back to "real life" until Jan.  So essentially I have 6 weeks of this year left to enjoy.  Lots to look forward to next year!  We'll FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY make it back to the East Coast.  As my friends have dubbed us we're the "leavers" (as a Navy family we leave a lot) so we're ready to live up to the nick name and jet on outta here.  We've made some awesome friends that we will have for life but we're ready to leave Arabic training behind us and get back to a place were the ocean is to the East.  It will also be nice for our cell minutes to have family back in the same time zone.  It's the little things that make life so much easier.  Here are some pictures from the last month.  Daniel has another test this week so be praying for all of us!!! 

Everyone ready for the Blackout.  Ended up being a dark day as UGA lost.

A couple of pictures of my awesome new haircut.  I realize I look tired, it was 10 at night when Daniel took these and I fade by 8:30.

Batman has taken up residence with us.

Even the Dark Knight needs to eat.

Emma practiced her cheers for when Aiden is QB at UGA.

Herschel is trying to eat Emma's socks, or maybe just eat Emma.  They love each other.

Daniel and Aiden showing respects during Navy Blue and Gold.  No, I'm not kidding.

Two very tired kiddos.

Happy girl in her big girl crib.  She wants to crawl so badly!

Hope you all have a good start to the Fall season.  We'll have lots of good pictures this month as there will be pumpkin patches to go to and costumes to wear.  We love and miss you all.  It'll be great to see many of you soon.  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Have I told you how excited we are to see you guys at Thanksgiving???? Hanging out with the kids should be fun...we should give them all kazoos and take them on a four hour car ride together. ;)

Love your haircut, BTW. Too cute! I've been wanting to get some side-swept bangs like yours and I'm just too chicken to go through with it. Maybe I'll grow some courage in November.

Love to all,
