baada the-lik, After that, we went home, played with the dog, and enjoyed ourselves. In the afternoon Aiden and I even went to the pool. He's so close to swimming. He walks around in the pool by himself up to his ears, with his mouth and nose held carefully out of the water. But, he's having a lot of fun, very confident, even dunking himself every now and then. By the way, I'm not trying to go out of my way to be judgmental, but has anyone else seen how many fat kids there are now? holy cow. during my 12 years of elementary-high school, we only had 1 fat kid. ONE. There was just the one guy (who by the way is incredibly skinny now.) I swear at least, AT LEAST 50% of the kids in the pool were FAT. We're talking 5-10 year olds, not baby fat. FAT. What the hell is wrong with parents now? So, I was encouraged to hold my ground and raise Aiden just the way Joy and I were raised; outdoors, hunting, sports all day, physical activity, external stimulation. These kids are out of control. Even the "Joes" (young enlisted soldiers) at DLI are a different breed. Techo-geeks, not football jocks. They don't play sports or hit on girls; they stay up all night in the barracks playing 'Warcraft' and other such non-sense, popping 'Monsters' during class---Energy drinks. Don't get me started. That will have to be its own entry another day.

By the way, if anyone cares, it is cold here again. Absolutely freezing this morning with wind gusts all day. Fall is officially here. Precipitation will be here shortly. Oh, and we received an early Christmas present from our landlords---they're raising the rent an extra $100 beginning in December!!! "Few more months...few more months...few more months" we keep telling ourselves.
On that note, depending on whether I survive this place, and then whether or not I go to Qatar for 30 days of immersion afterwards, I'll pick my ship in either December or January, and find out approximately a month after whichever slate they put me in. I don't really care at this point. I'm just ready to move forward with my career.
Things are going ok here. Had another test last week. I'll get the results on Tuesday. I sort of have in my head (based off nothing from the DLI staff or anyone official) that Christmas break is sort of my 'free and clear' deadline. Not that I expect anything to ever let up, but as far as feeling confident that I'm going to finish this course. That'll be about halfway. It's still ridiculous, but I'm basically just trying to manage my own learning with the teachers as another source. Pray for listening and speaking especially. Reading I'm doing very well with on tests, etc.
That's about it. Long enough?? sorry.
Enjoy your 4 day weekend. Oh, wait. that's just me!
P.S. I love my family
P.P.S. Sign up for our 'blog followers' so we know who checks this thing other than our parents and Amanda in japan!
P.P.S.S. ok, i'm lost after the second one, but anyway, I linked the website for that new Fireproof movie. It's supposed to be good. It's by the same guys who wrote and produced "Facing the Giants" (which by the way has a cameo by CMR--Coach Mark Richt). Good story of adventure, adversity, love and faith.
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