Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here Comes the Sun...

Well, didn't intend to double post today, but I received an amazing gift from my mother-in-law, Eileen and I wanted to post a few pics of it. I figured I might as well post some of the pics from our afternoon sprinkler session, too.
"GO POTTY!!!" or "SURPRISE!!" I'm not really sure. They look alike.
"Watch this, Daddy!"
Always the voyeur. Mr. Aiden is all too often Mr. Naked.
What can I add to this? Instant classic.
Aiden observes a moment of Silence at 3pm.
Playing in the sprinklers all afternoon wears you out. Snack time.
Pathetic. Just pathetic, Hersch.
Slop, Slop, Slop, slop.
Seriously. UGA who? Herschel's the man...or dawg.

This is a Christmas/Birthday/Father's day gift. Anyone who has visited our house has seen the two beautiful pieces Eileen has already done for me. She's an amazing artist. This is a rendition of two photos: the one on the left is during my Commissioning week from the Naval Academy. Pok (my grandpa) and I visited the Midway monument on the Yard (Naval Academy grounds). As you know, his brother, my great uncle, dan, performed ok in that battle, so it was an emotional day for all. Pok didn't cry much, but any time you got him talking about his big brother, the tears flowed. this was such a day. I think he probably stayed alive to see my graduation (he had cancer at the time) and this picture meant the world to both of us. the second picture is of Dan standing on his dive bomber with 219 rounds in it. he got hit a few times at Midway. Both are juxtaposed with a typical Graduation Day fly over from the Blue Angels. I'm so touched by the piece. It means the world to me and Eileen's work is just fantastic.

Well, the afternoon wore us out. Goodnight.
Slop, slop, slop, slop.
Sorry for the barrage but I really wanted to showcase Eileen's art. Unbelievable piece. Hope you enjoy your day.

Summer is Upon Us

Okay, Okay. So maybe I'm a little smitten with my little princess. Joy captured this tender moment during a little afternoon snooze session yesterday.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable long weekend. The weather was nice and warm yesterday. Monterey Beach didn't have any war protesters which kept my blood pressure in check, and we fired up the grill for the first time in a bit. It kind of hit me: summer is upon us. For us that is good, but also means the end of our little sojourn from reality. For me, the approach of June means I have to start shaving again, get a short haircut, and report for...(clearing throat)...WORK. Yeah, I know. NPS has spoiled me. So I have to prepare to do this whole military thing again complete with full work days, uniforms, and accountability. The horror!

And for Joy, my Arabic class starting and then my parents leaving means the impending removal of her security blanket. First, I leave her and head to work EVERY DAY (gasp). But, my parents will bridge that time period. They'll leave shortly thereafter, though. She'll do fine. She's an awesome mother. But I think we're both somewhat nervous about the new routine or at least keenly aware of the changes that have taken place in our family. The other night we took a little stroll around the block after supper and it seemed to both of us that we had literally and figuratively hit a new level as a family. Aiden is one thing, but two kids and a dog...it was this moment of realization that we were now in the big leagues. Game on so to speak.

But we still have a few days of fun left. So we'll be hitting the park, playing in the sprinkler, touching starfish at the aquarium, and squeezing every ounze of fun out of the good deal here before it gets tough. One day at a time.

Hope everyone has a great week!

For the hancocks,

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

Dan Iverson standing on his Dauntless Dive Bomber. Just imagine the sights and sounds of diving that thing full bore into the hornet's nest of Japanese anti-aircraft fire. Truly the greatest generation.

As we stop today to reflect on the sacrifices of so many, I wanted to share of our own family's heroism with you. I bear his name with pride.
Dan or Danny as his buddies called him survived the surprise atack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese encroachment on Guadalcanal where he received Purple Heart and Silver Star, and delivered a decisive punch to the Japanese in the battle that turned the tide of WWII. He was also wounded at Midway. Sadly, his life was cut short when he was killed off the coast of Florida in a midair collision.
IVERSON, DANIEL T.Citation:The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Daniel T. Iverson (0-6418), First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps (Reserve), for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service in the line of his profession while serving as a Pilot in Marine Scout-Bombing Squadron TWO HUNDRED FORTY-ONE (VMSB-241), Marine Air Group TWENTY-TWO (MAG-22), Naval Air Station, Midway, during operations of the U.S. Naval and Marine Forces against the invading Japanese Fleet during the Battle of Midway on 4 and 5 June 1942. In the first attack on an enemy carrier and in the face of withering fire from enemy fighters and anti-aircraft batteries, Lieutenant Iverson pressed home his attack to a release altitude of three hundred feet. His plane received 219 hits in different places from machine gun bullets and shrapnel and was so badly damaged that he was forced to make a landing on one wheel upon his return to the base. On the night of 4 June 1942, he participated in a search and attack mission against an enemy carrier and brought his plane back to its base under extremely adverse weather conditions. On 4 June, 1942, he, after less than four hours sleep, participated in an attack through heavy anti-aircraft fire on an enemy battleship in which it was damaged severely. His courage and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service. Home Town: Miami, Florida
Enjoy Memorial Day. Cast your politics aside for today. But remember our dead. I'm proud of all our veterans, but especially my namesake. God Bless.
P.S. For more information, read this write up done on his plane which they dragged out of Lake Michigan. It's the dive bomber in the Pensacola Naval Air Museum.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Honor Our Fallen, Lost and Forgotten

I usually send out a little piece via email every Memorial Day reminding my family of one our own family heroes, Major Daniel Iverson, Jr., USMC who served gallantly at Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, and Midway. I plan on saying a bit about Dan on Memorial Day again per tradition, but leading up to Memorial Day Weekend I wanted to try to frame Memorial Day in the proper perspective. I hope you'll bear with me and read what I have written. I have tried to make it apolitical and it comes from the bottom of my heart. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read it.

I still remember where I was when the twin towers were struck. We probably all do. I was walking in an underground corridor beneath the Naval Academy library on my way back to my dormitory. Not that I didn't understand what the military was about, but the gravity of the situation was not lost on my class of 2002 that fall. As we were all finding out whether we would be jet jocks or Marines or SEALs or submariners or surface guys after graduation, the event's of 9/11 certainly reframed the issue of commissioned service for me and my classmates. A few months later, as I sat with my classmates in the burning sun at my graduation, the phrase that kept popping into my head was part of our class motto: In harm's way. When our class voted on our class motto as idealistic plebes we probably did so because it sounded cool or something ridiculous. Four years later, we stood ready to accept our commissions and head into harm's way.
As I sat and thought about the personal connection and cost to me of the 'War on Terror' or Iraq War or whatever you choose to call what is going on, I was rather astounded at how many people I knew, drank beers with, studied with, played with, and lived with at Annapolis had been injured in combat. More than I fathomed. By the grace of God no one I personally know well has died, and all have largely recovered from their combat wounds. For others, though, this is not the case.

Unfortunately for them, and others before them, Memorial Day has become clouded with the political rhetoric of activists and politicians. For many other Americans it simply means the start of summer fever: a trip to the beach, the lake, barbeque, and beer. One's support for the Iraq War or conversely disdain for the Bush Administration does not matter. Whether you support John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama or Ron Paul does not matter. This was once a sancrosanct holiday with reverence and reflection. It was created specifically to remember those who DIED under and for the flag of our country. I for one, believe that the scope of America, from its conception - present, right or wrong, smooth or rough in the implementation of its foreign policy, is a worthy recipient of one's service and sacrifice. Service members don't get to pick what battles we fight or in what wars we participate; we simply serve. This simple act of service and often death are worthy of our remembrance and reflection. So, as we head into Memorial Day Weekend, please take time at meals, with your spouse, your children, to share, reflect and talk about what Memorial Day really means. There are several ways you can mark this occassion every year:

-by visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
-by visiting memorials.
-by flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
-by flying the 'POW/MIA Flag' as well (Section 1082 of the 1998 Defense Authorization Act).
-by participating in a "
National Moment of Remembrance": at 3 p.m. to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
-by renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our falled dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.

I hope that maybe some of you will consider one or more of these ways to honor our dead warriors and make it a family tradition, something that will bring you together in a common purpose. These are simple but meaningful expressions of thanks for generations present and past that have given all for the freedoms we enjoy. On the last note, I understand that money is tight right now but I ask you to consider being a part of a generation that gives freely. There are several organizations for which I am particularly fond of that fulfill the intent of that last bullet: aiding the widows, widowers, families, and orphans of our fallen. Please take a moment to look at these websites and at least become aware of the types of reputable organizations out there and the scope of what they are doing for our injured and dead. They are:

In the military, we do a CFC (combined federal campaign) annually that makes it easy enough to set up an allotment for a few dollars a month for virtually any charity one can imagine. Joy and I have dealt with the Semper Fi Fund, SEAL Fund, and the Special Ops Fund. I have not done anything with the other two, but in doing some research, they look very good. I especially like the wounded warrior one that specifically cares for the family of injured and fallen comrades. Please take 5 mins of your day to peruse the websites and if the spirit moves you, consider making a one time donation to one of these worthy organizations that honor, help, and sustain the wounded, fallen and their families. Maybe it is something you or your family might consider doing to commemorate our fallen.
I have personally seen the impact of the Semper Fi Fund on Marines with whom I have served in San Diego. An officer on my last ship has a good friend from high school who was married to a Navy SEAL killed in action. This friend and her son have been provided for from the SEAL Fund to include scholarship money for the child's college. These are really important organizations that can make an impact for our veterans and the families of those left behind.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message. It is important to me. I hope in the days leading up to Memorial Day you will consider some of the things I have highlighted and you will also consider signing a petition to revert the Memorial Day Holiday back to May 30 so that it is a singular day of somber observance rather than a weekend to kick off summer. You can sign the petition here: http://www.usmemorialday.org/act.html

Don't get me wrong; I'll definitely have a beer or two this weekend, but let's keep the focus where it should be: our fallen warriors.

God Bless.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Home at Last

Dear All:

We are home at last. We actually came home from the hospital yesterday about noon. We're all glad to be home and are just trying to get the "Hoss", baby, and dog back on a routine again.

Again, thanks so much for your prayers and support. I'm sure Joy will probably hop on later today and put out something. She and Emma are getting some good rest in bed right now while Aiden and check out ole Lightning McQueen, Mater et al again. In the meanwhile, enjoy a great picture of the big brother in action.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Getting Back Together

Hey All.

Joy has decided to stay in the hospital one more night. Nothing is wrong. Both Emma and Joy are medically cleared to leave, but we decided it would be best for her to get a better night of rest and utilize free help while it was available. So, I'm home, waiting for Rick and Lori to drop off Aiden. Tonight we'll go get our bulldog from Katie who has been watching him this week. I'm sure Aiden will be thrilled to see his dog. Aiden, Herschel and I can reestabish our home routine a bit and then go pick up the girls tomorrow morning. We can't wait to all be together again!

Not too much new to write. Emma is doing well; she is eating and doing everything else she should be doing at this point. I'll try to download all our photos on flickr tonight, but in the meanwhile, here are a handful.

P.S. another short video.
And on an administrative note I wanted to point a few things out. 1) Please do leave comments. I've been asked if it was ok to leave comments and the answer is YES! We hope people will interact and make comments, say hi, etc. 2) At anytime you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and mute or pause the music player to hear video audio 3) I think you can subscribe to our blog, but at any rate, I've installed a function on the right hand side where you can enter your email address and be notified once a day if anything on the blog has been changed. Thanks

Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl

Dear Family and Friends,

It is my complete joy to announce the birth of Emma Grace Hancock. She was born at 10:08 AM Friday morning. As you can see, the journey wore her out. Here she is getting some time under the warmer and snoozing. by the way, the pictures sorta loaded in reverse chronological order, so the pics up front will look cleaner while the later ones are right after birth.

Stretch, Stretch, stretch!
Mama and Emma get some much deserved snuggle time after a long journey. And look at that hair! Joy is thrilled that she isn't a baldy like Aiden. Some of the pics have a red tint, but those are under the warmer. It's not red at all. Just dark black? brown?

After getting cleaned up, I had the pleasure of placing our beautiful daughter on Joy's chest for the first time.

As you can see, Joy is thrilled to finally be holding that baby girl that just didn't want to leave her cozy place inside mama! She finally cooperated. I don't have enough words to properly praise my wife. What a woman! She pushed out Emma in one push!

Emma got bruised up on the way out, but she's still beautiful.

"I'm COLD. Get me warm!"

That's one happy mama. After battling sickness all week, Joy's fever spiked on Thursday and we returned to the hospital again. A few tests determined that she had some sort of virus and that Emma's amniotic fluid had some, too. After that, the decision was made to induce at midnight. The first pill didn't have much of an effect, and thankfully, after a long week for all, joy and I actually got a decent bit of sleep. She received a second pill at 0445 and went back to sleep. After we awoke around 6 am, her contractions started about 0630 and were immediately severe. Joy progressed fairly rapidly. After putting in an epidural at 0830, the doctors and nurses left us alone so she could rest and the good stuff could kick in for her pain. About 0930 Joy said she had some pressure and I got a nurse to come check her. Guess what? The baby was there! They paged the doctor and he sped from his clinic having thought she would be a bit longer. He had not been in the room 30 seconds when she pushed her out! Unreal. We really felt God's prayers answered today and there is one happy baby and happy mama here below to prove it.

What can I say? I love my beautiful girls!

Shoot! 29 years of being a tough guy down the drain like that! I'm done! That's our Doctor, Dr. Stephen Walker on the right. He is a great Christian man who provided expertise, wisdom, and extraordinary calm throughout the pregnancy and delivery. Great man.

A happy family moment.

All the parties involved. We love our doctor. He really made Joy comfortable throughout...except when he almost missed the birth!

Mama and baby bond after birth.

Baby Emma getting cleaned up and finally breathing! She forgot to breathe for a spell when she came out. No worries! She's fine.

A precious moment for Daddy. I finally get to touch my girl.

What's the expression: wrapped around her finger. I'm in trouble.

She's a Hancock. Of course she's big. 9 lbs, 2 oz and 21 inches long. Just a shade under Aiden who was 9 lbs, 10 oz and 22 inches.

It's pure joy. Joy and I are so blessed.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support. A crazy few days for the Hancock family. In the end we have grown by one and everything is fine. Joy is healthy, the baby is healthy, and we are all thrilled. Aiden came by and visited tonight and there was no ackwardness or jealousy whatsoever; he is thrilled. He brought her a present and sang her the ABC song. He loves his little sister. He has done great with Rick and Lori. We are so thankful for their friendship. they have really loved us as if we were their own and Aiden absolutely loves them to death. emma checked out fine with the pediatrician tonight. If joy is cleared tomorrow morning by her doctor and Emma is still doing well we expect to be home sometime tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your prayers, texts, emails, and call. We love you all! I'm back to the hospital to check on my girls but feel free to call.

For all the Hancocks,


P.S. Here are two short videos. Nothing special but a few cries for you to feel the experience.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hospital Part Deux

Dear All,

We're on our 2nd day of Joy suffering from fever, flu symptoms and the normal associated discomforts of pre-labor. She's been fairly wrecked. Labor and childbirth is bad enough without actually being sick. After visiting our doctor a while ago, he is sending us to the hospital for a non-stress test, blood work and amniosemtesis (sp.?). The fear is that whatever Joy has may be in the amniotic fluid/joy's water. In that case, Dr. Walker will deliver. Honestly, Joy's reaching her upper limit with everything and my hunch is that we will not be leaving the hospital this time. Who knows. Joy is willing to be a trooper and fight on til monday if necessary for a normal and natural labor, but if things remain as is I think Joy wants to just get labor going by induction we'll see. Maybe everything will look fine and after a bag of IV Joy will want to wait it out. Who knows.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers but especially Joy and Emma.

I'll try to update as possible.


P.S. I set up a photo stream from flickr today and I noticed despite the fact it should be random that all the baby photos are streaming. THOSE ARE AIDEN, NOT EMMA.

Slow and Steady

Hey Y'all.

It's been a roller coaster ride last few days; lots of ups and lots of downs but no baby...yet. In the grand scheme, everything Joy is going through is putting her closer to delivery but of course the devil is in the details and those little things (false labor, contractions, flu symptoms, etc.) can cloud the big picture. They're all difficult to deal with physically and emotionally.

Joy is fantastic. She is dealing with everything well and just trying to rest between false labor contractions and chills remaining hopeful that one day Emma will actually be ready!

Aiden continues to be a sweet little...i mean big boy and helper. Yesterday when Joy was feeling really sick we decided Aiden could use a little recreation so we (Aiden and I) headed off to the Monterey Aquarium for a bit. On the way home we had a "serious" talk about Mama needing our help and working together and I asked him if he could really try to be a little angel for Daddy. He blurts out, "NO!" I'm thinking, 'oh, great. Here comes some defiance at the worst moment.' "NO! NO! Daddy". I'm getting ready to discipline and Aiden explains himself. "I'm a BIG angel daddy. BIG." And I just smiled and we went home. He's been really sweet with Joy and talking to Emma. He'll be a great big brother.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. They are definitely felt. Keep it up. Let's pray this baby out!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dress Rehearsal

Did I say Emma was coming?

Sorry. False labor. Keep Joy in your prayers. As you may or may not know, Aiden's birth was very difficult (induction because Joy was sick and her body wasn't ready; responded very harshly at first to induction. It took forever). I know it was especially disheartening for her to have contractions 5 mins apart for almost 3 hours and have them vanish in the hospital elevator!

So, pray. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for really painful, really obvious, really no turning back contractions that will bring this little girl into the world. To be honest, Joy isn't feeling great (physically) either right now. And nobody, especially my beautiful wife, wants a repeat of Aiden's birth and a trip back just because Joy is sick.

Thanks for your prayers and thanks especially for Lori, Rick and Katie who have stepped up like surrogate parents and true friends to care for Aiden and Herschel.

Hope to talk to you soon with happy news. We'll keep you posted.


Monday, May 12, 2008

In the Creases

I'm officially detached as of 12pm today from NPS. It was a great experience that I won't forget both from an intellectual standpoint and from the heavy dosage of family time. For a military family, 18 plus months with no deployment interruptions is awesome.

I don't report to DLI (Defense Language Institute) for Arabic until May 31 and don't start class until June 9th. So, in the words of one my old CO's Im "in the creases" of the Navy. They're paying me but I'm not doing squat.

Maybe Emma was just waiting for Daddy's schedule to free up? Well, I'm free! Come on, girl.

The weekend has been rough. Not that we should have or had any basis for it, but we all sort of had our hopes up for an early if not on time delivery. We seemed to have bounced back today as a family and had a good day of fun together. Aiden is always good for a few laughs! Emma will be here soon enough, I suppose.

until then, Salam. I'm going to go grow a beard for a few weeks.

Oh, and if you didn't catch it, my brother in law, Michael Dudley, is famous. Check him out here.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Groundhog Day

Now, I can't say that I've dropped a toaster into my bathtub recently but anyone who's seen Groundhog Day knows exactly how I feel at the moment. I'm only one day over-due and our days go something like this.

We wake up.
We eat breakfast.
We take a walk.
We eat lunch.
We walk again.
We eat supper.
We try to sleep.

These activities are punctuated with being asked if I'm have contractions. Nope. I'm afraid to call anyone because I set off alarms whenever my number comes up on caller i.d. Apparently Emma is very warm and cozy right where she is and is perfectly comfortable there for at least a little while longer. Eventually she HAS to come out. Right?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Man's Best Friend

Good Afternoon!

We're at it already. We thought most of you probably haven't seen or know who Herschel is. He's our adorable "little" ball of fun. This will be a surprise to those who know me/us, but he is an all-white English Bulldog!! Shocking!! Here are a few pics of Aiden and his new best friend!

We're off to Carmel for the afternoon to try and walk this baby out of Joy!!

Have a great day.

