Thursday, May 15, 2008

Slow and Steady

Hey Y'all.

It's been a roller coaster ride last few days; lots of ups and lots of downs but no baby...yet. In the grand scheme, everything Joy is going through is putting her closer to delivery but of course the devil is in the details and those little things (false labor, contractions, flu symptoms, etc.) can cloud the big picture. They're all difficult to deal with physically and emotionally.

Joy is fantastic. She is dealing with everything well and just trying to rest between false labor contractions and chills remaining hopeful that one day Emma will actually be ready!

Aiden continues to be a sweet little...i mean big boy and helper. Yesterday when Joy was feeling really sick we decided Aiden could use a little recreation so we (Aiden and I) headed off to the Monterey Aquarium for a bit. On the way home we had a "serious" talk about Mama needing our help and working together and I asked him if he could really try to be a little angel for Daddy. He blurts out, "NO!" I'm thinking, 'oh, great. Here comes some defiance at the worst moment.' "NO! NO! Daddy". I'm getting ready to discipline and Aiden explains himself. "I'm a BIG angel daddy. BIG." And I just smiled and we went home. He's been really sweet with Joy and talking to Emma. He'll be a great big brother.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. They are definitely felt. Keep it up. Let's pray this baby out!



eileen said...

Keep on keeping on! The enemy is under foot; he's had his day and it's over! Every contraction puts you that much closer. Give that BIG angel Aiden a hug from Nana.
loving all of you! mom/eileen

Wow! I'm the first and only to comment. :-)

Dan02USNA said...

Thanks for the comments, Eileen. Please, all, leave comments. We want

Dan02USNA said...

We want people to interact and feel free to post comments to us or others.