Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hospital Part Deux

Dear All,

We're on our 2nd day of Joy suffering from fever, flu symptoms and the normal associated discomforts of pre-labor. She's been fairly wrecked. Labor and childbirth is bad enough without actually being sick. After visiting our doctor a while ago, he is sending us to the hospital for a non-stress test, blood work and amniosemtesis (sp.?). The fear is that whatever Joy has may be in the amniotic fluid/joy's water. In that case, Dr. Walker will deliver. Honestly, Joy's reaching her upper limit with everything and my hunch is that we will not be leaving the hospital this time. Who knows. Joy is willing to be a trooper and fight on til monday if necessary for a normal and natural labor, but if things remain as is I think Joy wants to just get labor going by induction we'll see. Maybe everything will look fine and after a bag of IV Joy will want to wait it out. Who knows.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers but especially Joy and Emma.

I'll try to update as possible.


P.S. I set up a photo stream from flickr today and I noticed despite the fact it should be random that all the baby photos are streaming. THOSE ARE AIDEN, NOT EMMA.

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