Sunday, August 31, 2008

How bout them Dawgs!

I may be biased, but I actually think H is a better looking Dog than UGA offense. (UGA VII is nice, but I just threw that in for Herschel). Go Dawgs! 1-0. 13 more wins to go for a National title. Navy looked good today, too. Anyway, the Hancock family is enjoying a much-deserved 4 DAY WEEKEND! No Arabic. No stress. Just fun. Aiden and i have been playing, getting some time in the pool, and hanging out with our two hot babes. Hope everyone is doing well. If you haven't already heard (or Joy didn't already post it and I haven't read it) we are indeed coming home for Christmas! We're excited. Broke now, but excited. In the meanwhile, here are a few pics of our weekend and day today.

Here is Matt Stafford Jr with Herschel and Daddy.

Aiden was a little stoked to say the least about the 1st Ga game. He was bouncing off the walls. Herschel had a hard time sleeping last night, too. By the way, Business Weekly has estimated that Georgia will be the highest grossing NCAA brand this year, reaping in an estimated 70 million dollars. The Hancock Family has made a large contribution this past week as you can see. Well, actually my jersey we've had for years, and Aiden's is from his Uncle Chris, Aunt Amanda and Cousin Noah, but trust me, we have a big box of other new t-shirts, sweatshirts, jerseys, etc. We had to get Black out gear, right? Of course.

I tried to get H and Aiden to smile, but they were too focused on the action.

"I love you, Daddy." "I love you, too, Buddy."

BREAK----Did I mention I have the most beautiful daughter, ever? Look at my sweetie pie. Even Emma was in the spirit of the game today.

This is from a few days ago...Aiden gets the biggest thrill out of making his little sister smile, and he can do it well. Emma's not afraid of that Batman! That's her big bro and protector.

P.S, Batman is quite the ham. Where did he get that gene? With emma getting more and more personality every day we had a chuckle as we assessed our kid's personalities and looks...Emma definitely looks more like me and Aiden tends to favor Joy, but let me tell you, Aiden is all me personality and trait wise and likewise, Emma is all Joy. It's pretty funny to see her little personality shine these days.

"What are you doing, Aiden? I'm trying to rest here!"

A boy's rite of passage. I had a fun time explaining to Aiden today the way of the world, college football world, that is, in terms he understands. It went something like this:

Aiden: Daddy, there are florida Gators. I want to see the gator on tv.

Daddy: Aiden, you mean you like the crocodile on Peter Pan. There is a difference. You see, we hate the Florida gators.

Aiden: What do you mean, daddy.

Daddy: Aiden, the Georgia Bulldogs are the Autobots. Matt Stafford is "Octopus Prime" and Knowshown Moreno is Bumble Bee Transformer (Aiden's favorite). The Gators are the Decepticons and Tim Tebow is Megatron. They're bad guys, Got it?

Aiden: Got it. We're good guys and Gators are bad robots.

Daddy: That's my boy. Let's go get mom's coffee now.

Joy is sporting a new Stafford jersey, too. :)

That's it for now. Just a fun day and weekend. Aiden's doing great in the pool. If I can get Joy to come one day we'll try to post some pics of him going down the big slide! He does great! Also, he's going on 4 straight days of big boy underwear at night with no accidents! GO AIDEN!!!

Miss everyone. See you at Home, capital H, which is to say the Great State of GA!

Ma Salaama (Peace and goodbye).

Daniel for the Hancocks

Friday, August 22, 2008

Interesting Couple of Days

Aiden has crashed for naps the last couple of days. Yesterday was a result of forced quiet time after he made a HUGE mess of the bathroom. It consisted of lotion, baby powder, and black crayon in the shower. Today, I just wanted some peace and quiet. He stayed that way for his whole nap.

Daniel called me from work to let me know that the Bronco had died and that he would probably need us to pick him up. We very efficiently got ready to go, this evolution consisted of two new outfits for Emma, a dirty diaper change, and getting Aiden awake and dressed. When he heard that we needed to get Daddy because the Bronco was broken he insisted on getting on his fireman stuff so we could, "Rescue Daddy because he's lost and the Bronco is broken." Our green Honda was our firetruck and he made siren sounds on the way to pick Daniel up. How precious is he.

I think we're all ready for the weekend. In the last two days I've washed 2 sets of pee soaked sheets, changed the biggest dirty diaper on record, cleaned up the HUGE mess Aiden made in the bathroom, "rescued" Daniel, washed 8 loads of laundry, cleaned up dog puke, oh and I found a caterpillar in the bottom of my salad bowl. As my mom and mother in law said, "At least it wasn't half of a caterpillar."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Emma at Three Months

Here are the worlds cutest kids hanging out on mommy and daddy's bed. I can't believe that Emma is three months old already! It seems like yesterday that we were taking bets to see when she would actually arrive. Aiden dotes on his little sister and is very concerned when she fusses, he loudly says, "PACIFIER, PACIFIER, PACIFIER!!!" until she is plugged back into what I'm now convinced is God's gift to parents. Aiden is cracking us up on a daily basis still. If it's not a "What the heck?!" while opening his birthday presents it's him telling a friend, "There are NO DADDIES here!" when she was fussing over eating her veggies.
Emma is growing in leaps and bounds as you can see. She's more engaged every day. Emma is (usually) all smiles and is starting to giggle more. I'm fairly certain she's teething, trying to keep up with her brother's milestones. I'm LOVING her sleeping through the night and we're now in a fairly predictable daily routine.
Daniel is still working hard at Arabic, and we try to cram lots of fun into our weekends. We're looking forward to a change in plans that includes us returning to Georgia for two Christmas's in a row. I'll be leaving here with the kids right after Thanksgiving so we can enjoy some time with my brother, Chris and his wife Amanda and their son Noah. With Chris and Daniel both in the Navy we rarely get to see each other. Daniel will miss getting to see them and actually meet Amanda yet again, but it'll be nice for me and the kids.
We hope you're all doing well. I'll try to keep this updated at least once a month for those of you that live for our family updates!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Emma Grace is Christened

Yesterday we celebrated the christening of Emma Grace. With my family in town we took advantage of my fathers many talents and had him perform the ceremony. This was especially meaningful to me because my father baptised me as well. We welcomed Emma into the family of God and dedicated ourselves to teaching her to love Jesus with just a few close friends and family members. Her dress was given to us by her godfather, Steve Henz, who we missed having present. It was hand made for her while he was stationed overseas. My parents leave this evening so we have to get back to real life tomorrow. It's always sad to see our family go and this is the beginning of a long stretch of not seeing anyone. They will be deeply missed, especially by their grandson. Aiden LOVES having his Nana and Granddaddy here!

Emma didn't enjoy the ceremony all that much...

Aiden sure looked handsome!