Friday, August 22, 2008

Interesting Couple of Days

Aiden has crashed for naps the last couple of days. Yesterday was a result of forced quiet time after he made a HUGE mess of the bathroom. It consisted of lotion, baby powder, and black crayon in the shower. Today, I just wanted some peace and quiet. He stayed that way for his whole nap.

Daniel called me from work to let me know that the Bronco had died and that he would probably need us to pick him up. We very efficiently got ready to go, this evolution consisted of two new outfits for Emma, a dirty diaper change, and getting Aiden awake and dressed. When he heard that we needed to get Daddy because the Bronco was broken he insisted on getting on his fireman stuff so we could, "Rescue Daddy because he's lost and the Bronco is broken." Our green Honda was our firetruck and he made siren sounds on the way to pick Daniel up. How precious is he.

I think we're all ready for the weekend. In the last two days I've washed 2 sets of pee soaked sheets, changed the biggest dirty diaper on record, cleaned up the HUGE mess Aiden made in the bathroom, "rescued" Daniel, washed 8 loads of laundry, cleaned up dog puke, oh and I found a caterpillar in the bottom of my salad bowl. As my mom and mother in law said, "At least it wasn't half of a caterpillar."

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