Friday, May 8, 2009

Snack Time

Recently Aiden and Emma got to share a snack of chocolate bunny grahams out front.  I can't believe how quickly this year has passed, Emma is going to be one next Saturday!  She's not my itty bitty baby anymore and I'm not sure where the time has gone.  I didn't get much accomplished this week to prepare us for moving.  I think I will eternally be a procrastinator but when there is a time crunch I manage to get things done.  I'm so appreciative of people like Jessica to go out with to blow off some steam, of Susan to keep me level headed and accountable and to lend a hand with organizing, and of course, having a nanny too has helped.  Emma, being super clingy and needy doesn't always go with her but it's been great for Aiden to have a buddy to play with three mornings a week.

We still have 12 days before the kids and I take off, I find it hard to believe that my time here at least is almost done.  As quickly as this year passed as far as Emma growing it's been mighty slow at times when it comes to the requirements and stresses that being a success at DLI takes.  I don't want to bail from this last bit of the "race" but it sure is tempting.  I feel like every last bit of reserve I have is burned up and yet I'm still being asked to give 100% when it's not there to give.  This is exactly how I DIDN'T what this time to end.  This feeling of defeat and overwhelming exhaustion coupled with the emotions of saying bye to friends and being separated geographically as a family for most of the summer and it's a recipe for tension and high emotions.  I'm believing that God doesn't set us up for failure and that there will be grace and redemption in these last days in Monterey.  One thing has proven correct though, mom said that we'll look back and reflect on this time.....and be glad it's over.  No kidding.

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