Saturday, May 17, 2008

Getting Back Together

Hey All.

Joy has decided to stay in the hospital one more night. Nothing is wrong. Both Emma and Joy are medically cleared to leave, but we decided it would be best for her to get a better night of rest and utilize free help while it was available. So, I'm home, waiting for Rick and Lori to drop off Aiden. Tonight we'll go get our bulldog from Katie who has been watching him this week. I'm sure Aiden will be thrilled to see his dog. Aiden, Herschel and I can reestabish our home routine a bit and then go pick up the girls tomorrow morning. We can't wait to all be together again!

Not too much new to write. Emma is doing well; she is eating and doing everything else she should be doing at this point. I'll try to download all our photos on flickr tonight, but in the meanwhile, here are a handful.

P.S. another short video.
And on an administrative note I wanted to point a few things out. 1) Please do leave comments. I've been asked if it was ok to leave comments and the answer is YES! We hope people will interact and make comments, say hi, etc. 2) At anytime you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and mute or pause the music player to hear video audio 3) I think you can subscribe to our blog, but at any rate, I've installed a function on the right hand side where you can enter your email address and be notified once a day if anything on the blog has been changed. Thanks


eileen said...

Love "THE LOOK" -- second photo from the bottom. I've seen that before . . . Emma brings recollections of when Joy was born - an absolutely joy filled time. Get a good nights rest, all of you! Love, Nana/mom/eileen

Amanda said...

Daniel, Joy, Aiden, and Emma:

We're so pleased to hear that Emma finally decided to grace us with her presence! :) Glad everyone is doing well and we hope Joy and Emma's transition home from the hospital will be an easy, joyful experience. Tell Aiden that we're counting on him to help Emma where/when he can--we know he'll be a most EXCELLENT big brother! :)

We miss you guys and are so thrilled with being an aunt/uncle for the second time!

Love to all,

Amanda and Chris (and Noah)

P.S. I introduced Noah to Emma today via the Blog videos. He grinned, flapped his arms, and said, "AAIIIEEEEE!!!!," which I think translates to "Welcome Cousin Emma...We Love You!!!!" :)