Monday, February 6, 2012

Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays...

That was my day, or at least my morning. Class was intolerably boring. I became supremely frustrated with having to be at  the same course for the third time, burdened with the pain of having to "play the game" and drill for ATG, frustrated with the utterly chaotic instruction during our trainer period. Frustrated by the instructor telling me my Engineering Operational Casualty Control book was the old one. Perturbed when I asked him, "May I have a new one?" that he replied they were out. I-----DID-----NOT-----WANT----to be there today.

I had a much better afternoon. I talked to Joy and vented a bit.. As only a Navy wife can, she listened, encouraged, and effortlessly made me feel better about things. After class I spent 4.5 miles on the treadmill and burned another 1000 plus calories. I'm looking forward to my next weigh-in on Friday. Right now I'm down almost 16 lbs since Joy started our family on a Paleo diet about 3 weeks ago. I've been able to continue very careful and mostly healthy meals up here. So, after a modest dinner, I decided maybe I would have a beer or two back in my hotel room. Long story, short, Package store on based closed, the NEX was closed, and I quickly gave up my efforts. I wanted to give myself a little treat, something to enjoy while I watched television tonight.

 I wanted this:

I settled for this: 

Ladies and gentlemen, Pepsi doesn't satisfy. It's just not as good as Coke. I just felt like I was betraying my Georgia roots.

Two morals today. Life is a test. It is temporary. It's not about me. Don't let things give you a case of the Mondays. This isn't the prize.

Lastly, if you're going to give yourself a treat with two-hundred empty calories, commit to it! A glass of wine or a frosty pint of Harpoon IPA cannot be replaced by soda, especially a Pepsi.

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