Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is Love?

Valentine's Day is a contrived commercial holiday. One cannot deny that fact. But whether it's Valentine's Day or just a Tuesday, I don't need an excuse to tell my wife how much I love her. Joy shouldn't have to be alone on Valentine's Day. I should be able to surprise her with flowers, a night out, maybe a nice dinner at home, a bottle of wine, treats. Ah, but that's not the way it works for us. Nothing says "I love you" like T-D-Y. TDY stands for Temporary Duty Assignment...oh, except maybe deployment...but that's NEXT Valentine's Day...So, I'm separated from my wife by one completely redundant, 3x over, engineering course and 1182 miles...when I want to be holding her, I'm sitting in a hotel room. This is our life. I'm thankful for Joy. Eternally thankful. She epitomizes what so many of our military wives do: she truly "keeps the home fires burning." Yes, I miss her. I miss the kids. But while I'm lonely, she is taking Aiden to karate, home-schooling Emma, consoling an ever-teething Madaline. Her life screams, "I love you." So I don't know if you can hear me 1182 miles away, but Joy, "I LOVE YOU MORE."

Lastly, if you haven't seen the previews, there is a bad-a movie coming out titled, "Act of Valor." It's a fictional movie of real Navy SEAL missions. The cool part: it's played by actual Navy SEALs. It looks like the best action/war movie ever. Check out this red carpet entrance for the Hollywood premiere last night in L.A. It's unreal. The entrance (jump) is performed by a member of the Navy SEALs' Parachute Demonstration Team, the Leap Frogs.


1 comment:

Dan02USNA said...

Please feel free to comment, ask questions. I'd love the interaction. Tks, Dan